Safeguarding and Club Policies

Rustlings Lawn Tennis Club is committed to prioritising the wellbeing of all children and adults, promoting safeguarding at all times, including on all programmes and during events we run. We are committed to ensuring safeguarding practice reflects statutory responsibilities and government guidance and that it complies with best practice and LTA requirements. Members are expected to familiarise themselves, and act in accordance with the LTA’s Code of Conduct at all times. 

We have two trained Welfare Officers who are responsible for overseeing safeguarding at the Rustlings. Their contact details are displayed on posters in the Clubhouse, and the changing rooms, and included in Our Safeguarding Policy. 

Members are reminded that Safeguarding is Everyone’s Responsibility, and not responding to a safeguarding concern is not an option. If you have a safeguarding concern or disclosure, please inform one of our Welfare Officers as soon as possible or contact the LTA Safeguarding Team via the secure online form available at

Please take some time to read our Safeguarding, and related policies by clicking on the links below: 

Our aim is for tennis to be an inclusive and diverse sport and we are committed to ensuring that diversity and inclusion are embedded in our club’s culture and behaviours. Please familiarise yourself with our Diversity and Inclusion policy by clicking on the link below. Our privacy policy, which sets out the way in which we process personal data, and our conflict of interest policy can also be viewed by clicking on the links below.

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